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Global Media Competition on Labour Migration & Fair Recruitment

The International Labour Organization (ILO) is proud to announce the ninth edition of its annual Global Media Competition, a prestigious event that seeks to recognize and reward fair and balanced media reporting on the critical issue of labor migration.

Exploring Thematic Areas

This competition encourages media professionals and journalism students to delve into various thematic areas related to labor migration. Your reporting can focus on:

1. Decent Work:

- Fundamental principles and rights at work, including freedom of association of migrant workers.

- Protection against discrimination, racism, and xenophobia.

- Social protection, including health protection for migrant workers.

- Working conditions, such as wages, working hours, and occupational safety and health.

- The situation of migrant workers in irregular situations or those working in the informal economy.

2. International Recruitment Practices:

- How international recruitment practices impact the lives of migrant workers.

- Their effective enjoyment of decent work.

- Exposure to risks related to exploitation, abuse, gender-based violence, child labor, forced labor, and human trafficking.

- How well-regulated and governed labor recruitment across international borders can improve skills and job matching in both origin and destination countries.

3. Crisis and Challenges:

- Illustrate how crises, such as COVID-19, affect international recruitment practices and the lives of migrant workers.

- Showcase examples of recovery measures, lessons learned, and positive contributions of migrant workers during the pandemic, such as their roles as caregivers or health workers.

Awards for Excellence

The Global Media Competition offers both professional and student awards, providing recognition and valuable opportunities for those who excel in reporting on labor migration. Here are the award details:

Professional Awards (Three Prizes):

- Categories: Three prizes on the topic of labor migration for professionals.

- Prizes: Each winner can choose between two prize options:

- A paid fellowship (course fees) to participate in an online ITC-Turin course on fair recruitment, forced labor, or labor migration-related topics in 2024.

- A cash prize of $1,200 USD.

Student Award (One Prize):

- Categories: One prize recognizing exemplary reporting on labor migration for students.

- Prize: The winner can choose between two prize options:

- A paid fellowship (course fees) to participate in an online ITC-Turin course on fair recruitment, forced labor, or labor migration-related topics in 2024.

- A cash prize of $500 USD.

Eligibility Criteria

- Professional Awards: Open to media professionals and journalists who are 18 years of age and older.

- Student Award: Open to students from journalism schools/universities currently enrolled in journalism curricula.

- Each participant can submit a maximum of two entries.

- Submissions in any language are welcome, but if in a language other than English, French, or Spanish, include a faithful translation in one of these languages.

Judging Criteria

Entries will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

- Creativity: Innovative presentation of information on migrant workers and labor migration.

- Accuracy: Reliable sources and balanced reporting.

- Protection and Non-Discrimination: Safeguarding individuals' identities and promoting non-discrimination.

- Benefits of Well-Governed Migration: Highlighting the advantages of well-governed and safe labor migration while addressing risks.

- Success Stories: Shedding light on positive practices and results of fair labor migration governance.

For more information and to submit your entry, visit the

Don't miss this opportunity to contribute to the discourse on labor migration and fair recruitment. Your work could make a meaningful impact and earn you recognition on the global stage. Will you be a part of this important competition? FairMigration MediaCompetition LaborMigration 🌍✍️🏆


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