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Writer's pictureSherbaz Muhammad

The High Sheriff of Somerset Charitable Trust's Neighbourhood & PCSO Policing Fund

In the pursuit of safer and more vibrant communities, the High Sheriff of Somerset Charitable Trust, in collaboration with Somerset and Quartet Community Foundations, has opened its doors to applications for the Neighbourhood & Police Community Support Officers (PCSO) Policing Fund. This initiative is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for individuals by preventing and reducing crime through direct community engagement. With a particular focus on youth (aged 8-25) and older adults (65+), the fund strives to foster unity, educate on crime, and build positive relationships.

Aim and Allocation: Empowering Change through Funding

The Neighbourhood & PCSO Policing Fund holds a vision of positive transformation, allocating approximately £10,000 per year to initiatives that align with its mission. This financial support serves as a catalyst for change, driving activities that directly impact communities. Grant sizes range from a minimum of £250 to a maximum of £5,000, with an average award of around £1,500 anticipated.

Duration and Accountability: A Commitment to Impact

The timeline for fund utilization is firmly anchored, as all grants are expected to be expended within a year or, in many cases, within a few months. Ensuring the impact of funded initiatives, grantees are prompted to furnish a concise monitoring report upon completion of their projects.

Fostering Positive Change: The Goals of the Fund

The Neighbourhood & PCSO Policing Fund aligns its support with the endeavors of Police Community Support Officers (PCSO) and Neighbourhood Constables within Neighbourhood Policing Teams of the Avon and Somerset Constabulary. Initiatives seeking funding should contribute to:

1. Unity and Engagement: Encouraging collaboration within communities, forging bonds that strengthen societal fabric.

2. Positive Community Relationships: Cultivating amicable interactions between law enforcement and local residents, fostering trust and cooperation.

3. Crime and Antisocial Behavior Reduction: Directly addressing crime and antisocial behavior to create safer environments for all.

4. Education on Crime: Raising awareness about the causes and consequences of crime, empowering communities with knowledge.

Exemplary Past Initiatives: Seeds of Positive Change

The impact of the Neighbourhood & PCSO Policing Fund is evident through its support of innovative projects that align with its goals:

- The Taunton North policing team collaborated with a local activity provider to engage young people in Acceptable Behaviour Contracts. The initiative bolstered the confidence and self-esteem of the youth while curbing antisocial behavior during school holidays.

- The Halcon One Team organized a 'Taunton Together' event, celebrating diversity in the community, strengthening bonds with local officers, and collectively addressing antisocial behavior.

- Productions of 'Chelsea's Choice,' a thought-provoking theater piece on the exploitation of children and young people, were delivered in schools to raise awareness and foster vigilance.

Eligibility: Nurturing Partnerships for Change

The Neighbourhood & PCSO Policing Fund is open to applications from charities and community groups closely collaborating with their local Neighbourhood Policing Team, including PCSOs. Eligible applicants should ensure that activities are designed in partnership with a PCSO or Neighbourhood Constable, with necessary contact details provided. Charities and community groups should meet certain criteria, including having a board of trustees, a bank account with multiple signatories, and appropriate policies and insurances.

Exclusionary Parameters: A Focus on Impactful Change

The High Sheriff of Somerset Charitable Trust maintains a focus on initiatives that drive tangible and meaningful change. While fostering an inclusive approach, certain types of applications are ineligible for support:

- Individuals seeking funding

- National charities and appeals

- Sponsorship and fundraising events

- Animal welfare projects

- Religious promotion or repairs to worship buildings

- Activities that are statutory responsibilities or lack charitable intent

- Past projects or those distributing funds to third parties

- Projects outside the Avon and Somerset Constabulary area

A Call to Action: Transforming Communities

In summary, the Neighbourhood & PCSO Policing Fund stands as a beacon of support, an invitation to ignite change, and a commitment to safer, more cohesive communities. Through partnerships, knowledge-sharing, and innovative initiatives, the fund embodies the spirit of empowerment and transformation. For more details on how to be a part of this journey, explore the Somerset Community Foundation's website.


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