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The Mauritius Compact Case Competition: Nurturing Tomorrow's Case Writers

In partnership with Middlesex University Mauritius, Emerald’s Emerging Markets Case Studies collection is proud to present the Mauritius Compact Case Competition. This competition is designed to foster the creation of high-quality, concise teaching case materials that reflect the dynamic realities of the Mauritian business landscape. By participating, authors have the opportunity to win up to $1,000 and see their work published in a Scopus-indexed case collection. In this blog, we'll delve deeper into the competition's goals, entry criteria, and the incredible prizes that await the winners.

Competition Goals

The primary goal of the Mauritius Compact Case Competition is to encourage and promote the development of top-notch teaching case materials that are tailored to the unique context of Mauritius. Here's a closer look at the competition's key objectives:

1. Fostering Relevant Teaching Materials: The competition seeks to inspire the creation of teaching cases that are directly relevant to the challenges and opportunities facing businesses in Mauritius. By focusing on the local context, authors contribute to the enrichment of business education in the region.

2. Capacity Building: Another crucial aim is to support and nurture the development of case-writing capabilities among educators and researchers in Mauritius. Through this competition, individuals have the chance to refine their skills and share their insights with the global academic community.

Prize Information

The rewards for participating in the Mauritius Compact Case Competition are indeed enticing. The winner of this competition will receive a generous $1,000 prize. This not only recognizes the efforts put into crafting an exceptional teaching case but also provides valuable financial support.

Entry Criteria

To ensure fairness and maintain the competition's integrity, certain entry criteria have been established:

1. Developing and Emerging Markets Focus: Cases submitted must have a clear focus on developing and emerging markets. This criterion aligns with the mission of the Emerging Markets Case Studies collection and ensures the relevance of the materials to the competition's context.

2. Mauritian Authorship: Cases must be authored by individuals affiliated with Mauritian higher education institutions. This requirement encourages local experts to contribute their knowledge and insights to the competition.

3. Real-World Situations: Each case must be based on a real situation within a genuine company. This authenticity not only adds depth to the teaching material but also enhances its practicality for educators.

4. Teaching Case Format: It's important to note that the competition only accepts teaching cases, not academic research cases. Teaching cases are designed to facilitate classroom discussions and learning experiences.

5. Word Limit: Entries should fall within a word limit of 1,000 to 3,000 words. However, authors are free to provide a teaching note as a separate document, which can be as long as necessary for the case's effectiveness.

6. Originality: Submitted cases must not have been previously published in their current form or anything substantially similar. This ensures that the competition features fresh, innovative content.

7. Consent to Publish Release Form: Authors are required to submit a completed and signed consent to publish release form, granting permission for their work to be published.

For detailed information about the competition, guidelines, and submission process, visit the official page on Emerald Publishing's website.

The Mauritius Compact Case Competition represents a golden opportunity for educators, researchers, and business enthusiasts in Mauritius to make a significant impact in the field of case studies. By creating teaching cases that address the challenges and opportunities specific to Mauritius and developing and emerging markets, participants not only stand a chance to win a substantial cash prize but also contribute to the growth of case-writing capabilities in the region. Don't miss this chance to showcase your expertise, support local education, and make a lasting mark on the academic world. Submit your case today and be part of this exciting journey!


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