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Interviews - Initial Consultation

we delve into your experiences, both school-related and personal

30 min
Free / Prices Vary

Service Description

Regardless of whether you are being interviewed for a college, job, or internship, your interviewer will ask about you who you are, what you like, and your experiences. We delve into your experiences, both school-related and personal, and help you develop an intriguing story that will intrigue anyone who has the fortune of interviewing you. Through this, we will ensure that you always have something interesting to talk about during your interview. An underrated portion of the college application, the interview is the only opportunity in which a student's application may be assed not through numbers, but through personality. Interviews are typically conducted by university alumni and help add another dimension to an applicant's profile. Many of our consultants have worked as interview representatives in admissions offices, so we know exactly what questions are asked and how to best approach them. In interview practice, our consultants delve into the specific questions that are asked by particular schools, as well as how to best approach them to showcase applicant strengths. Sample interviews are assessed and applicants gain a comprehensive understanding of what constitutes a successful interview. Our consultants conduct mock-interviews in which they take notes and provide direct feedback to the student. Our proven techniques have helped students connect with jobs, career planning, employers on campus as well as off-campus, career tips, workshops and much more! There are three predominant skills that we work on with the student: • Shape a story • Showcasing strengths • Planet EduTrain’s comprehensive interview bank Go to our blogsite: for; Quick Tips • Know your skills and challenges • Research the organization and job • Prepare your Accomplishment Stories (STARS) • Create intelligent questions • Rehearse and get feedback • Reflect and debrief after each interview Additional Resources • The Ultimate Guide to Passing any Interview • Behavioral Interview Questions • Mathematical Formula for Perfect Job Interview

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