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Resumes and CVs - Initial Consultation

work with us to refine your resume - ensure everything about you helps you stand out

30 min
Free / Prices Vary

Service Description

Our team of resume consultants is well-trained in making a good resume an excellent resume - making your hardwork and intelligence shine. Work with us to refine your resume and ensure that everything about you is expressed in the most positive terms possible. Throughout the process, you will create a resume that will stand out above the rest. We treat a resume as a marketing document that shows a college/university or potential employer what relevant skills, education and accomplishments you have that will benefit them. It should demonstrate your talents and abilities for a specific job and shows that you CAN do the job, and WANT to do the job. The main problem students face when writing a resume is that they undersell themselves. Remember, it’s a marketing document which is all about selling yourself just like a product or service. Students all too often write a resume that details their experiences and achievements in a way that does not impress the reader as much as it could. Throughout the process, we cover the following: • General resume guidelines • Section headings • Profile/objective statements • Skills summary • Skills statements • Courses and projects • Writing accomplishment statements • Action verbs list • Action verbs with accomplishment statements • Resume and cover letters and much more…

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